Faith & Transition
God’s Peace In The Midst Of Change
by Rev. Werner Nel – September 2020
We live in a day and age where it is important to plan. We like to be in control and therefore we take the planning of how we spend our time very seriously. At the end of 2019, we found ourselves at a place where we planned new things for the New Year. A sense of excitement surrounded us about new opportunities and possibilities and maybe, some of us were relieved to get a new start but then, the unthinkable happened. We lost control and found ourselves in unchartered territories, leaving us anxious and uncertain.
When we read the Bible and look at the lives of the people living in Biblical times, we see that change has always been part of our lives. We see people being confronted with change and periods of transition. In the History of Israel, we see a few examples of this. Firstly, when they moved from Egypt to the Promised Land. Secondly, in the time of Exile, when they were confronted with another country, uncertainty about the future and living under new circumstances. In the New Testament, the followers of Jesus experienced change when His ministry on earth came to an end and He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended to heaven.
In these texts of change and transition, we see a faithful God, the one who never leaves nor forsakes us. We see a God who wants to live in relationship with people and offers His peace in the midst of the change. We see a God, who truly is Emmanuel – with His people.
As we live today, in a time where we lost control, a time of uncertainty, change and transition, we belong to this same God. The God who has been faithful throughout the ages, who meets us there where we are. May you experience His faithfulness during this time. May He fill you with hope and bless you with His peace.
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, our Father, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all.
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